Parenting is hard work and most have experienced some tough challenges along the way. As Mother's Day approaches, I just wanted to encourage mothers with what I have faced and learned with my children giving tools that truly made a difference in me as I parented!
Some days do not go as planned, but even in those days, God is able to do abundantly more than we can think or imagine. Read how moments of chaos turned into moments of ministry.
As Valentine's Day approaches, be challenged with the article, "Did You See Jesus?". Also, you have the opportunity to hear a great encouraging message from Gloria when you just don't know what to do or how to cope!
Happy New Year from Larry & Gloria Lundstrom! Learn what the Lord has impressed on Gloria's heart for the upcoming year and be encouraged by the Word of the Lord!
A Christmas greeting from Larry and Gloria, as well as, a heartfelt message on how Christmas can be so meaningful even if it looks a little different this year!
Happy Thanksgiving! May you walk in the Lord's will today by giving thanks in all situations, in all circumstances, at all times.
One thing we know about the year 2020 and is that it has had a lot of "unexpected's". Thankfully, through all of those, the Lord is faithful and moving in the midst. This is a great time to share the Gospel!
This is a beautiful story of how God has been writing a story that is continuing on. Because people answered the call of the Lord, lives have been touched and changed and the legacy continues on!
Here's a quick update on Gloria's most recent heart ablation procedure and a fun God-story in the midst of it!
Greetings from the beautiful mountains of Tennessee! Hear about how we are ministering out in a new way during these times through Coffee & Connect LIVE and how you can be a part of that. Also, be challenged about what to do when you are having "one of those days" or even weeks!
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