Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for, and we are most thankful for you!
Larry and Gloria celebrate 57 years of marriage and ministry! God has been so faithful---"Each for the other...both for the Lord!" continues to be their motto.
A fun story about the Queen and how sometimes we can easily jump to the wrong conclusions!
Here is a quick update on what we have faced this week---so thankful for God working in our daughter's health!
It sure is hot in Nashville and Gloria is in a war with some rabbits, but God continues to be good and faithful!
Happy Father's Day!! Enjoy this special word of encouragement to parents from Larry and Gloria.
Happy Mother's Day! Gloria shares an article about the power of a mother's love and how her mother helped shape her life and love for Jesus!
Greetings from Nashville, TN! As you prepare to celebrate the resurrection of our Jesus Christ join us on COFFEE & CONNECT LIVE as we share on the proof of the resurrection and how our families were changed forever!
Some smiles....some cookies....some progress...all good things!
Thank you to each and every one who has prayed for us as Larry underwent invasive back surgery and is in the process of recovery.
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