June 22, 2015

Greetings from home!  We pray that you have had a marvelous Father's Day!  We, of course, greatly miss being with our kids on these heartwarming holidays but we are so thankful that we are able to stay in contact often and cherish our phone chats!

We wanted to take a few moments and share some thoughts with you on Father's Day....enjoy!

Father's Day---

This is my 47th year to celebrate being a father.

I recall the birth of our firstborn, LaShawn, when they brought her into the room and placed her in my arms.  It was so awesome.  I truly saw God's miracle of a new birth. 

October 27, 1967---that momentous moment---I will never forget!  I stood awestruck trying to grasp that this was really real.  I carefully unwrapped her little pink blanket, reached out for her little tiny hands.  They were so perfect and still wrinkled from being stuffed in her mommy's tummy for nine months.  Next, I giggled as I saw those perfect little pink feet.  Yes, I counted the toes to be sure there were ten---no less and no more.  I gingerly picked her up and placed her beautiful little face up to my warm cheek.  She squirmed a bit and nestled right into my neck, and of course, I melted. 



Three days later, the nurse brought our new little bundle, LaShawn, all wrapped up again in a pink little blanket, places her in my arms announcing, "Here she is….she's yours!"  The nurse smiled and wheeled us out to the car.  Those parting words on our new journey to parenthood "She's yours!" hit me like cement.  It was as if someone has placed a fragile little egg in my hand.  The responsibility of this new baby, our child, my daughter, and an eternal being literally overwhelmed me.  To be honest, I was scared and a nervous wreck!


I was fearful I would drop her.  I didn't know what to do if she cried.  Was she hurting, hungry, needing a clean diaper, too hot, too cold…what was I to do?  I did the right thing…I panicked, "Honey, take her!" (Easy way out…HA!)


Now, fast forward  and here we are 47 years later, I still carry concern about our children {LaShawn, LaDawn, Donovan} even though they are adults as well as our grandchildren {Dante' and Myanna}.  Are they safe?  Are they making right decisions?  Are they physically and emotionally healthy?  Will they be financially secure?


I don't think I am the only one who thinks that way.  I put that in the category of being a loving father!  The ultimate Father's love is the love of the Heavenly Father.  Can you imagine how He feels when He looks at all of His children?  What is He thinking as He watches us father our children?  No matter how old we get, we are never far from His care. 


"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8.


Clarence Kelland said, "My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it."  I often wonder what the characteristics are that my children learn from me.  Life and legacy will tell that story.  I know I am not the perfect father; I have failed, but I pray that my family will always have a relationship with the Heavenly Father who will always lead them and guide them in truth, never leaving them nor forsaking them.  My prayer continues to be that we will be family for all eternity.



"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3



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