Not Our Plans but Yours

By Larry Lundstrom
Needless to say, it was rough on our schedule, but we continued to trust in God. We prayed and ask God, "Now what?" We felt God lay on our hearts to "GO and FIND hurting and discouraged people (this is not hard to do) and minister hope and encouragement to them." It happened! It has truly been an exciting time of just being at the right place at the right time with God's chosen people.
"Not our plans, but Yours"



Early this spring we had services scheduled in the Florida area that, unfortunately, ended up being cancelled...not due to inclement weather that was sweeping the nation, but due to the "squeeze" on the economy. A great number of churches are experiencing financial crisis and as they tell us, "We are not scheduling any event or special guests right now. We are also cutting back on staff. We are being forced to cut back on missions giving and outreaches to the community in order to keep the doors open." We have even offered to come just to be a blessing with no free-will offering expected, but we just keep hearing that they feel they shouldn't do anything extra in this point of time.


Needless to say, it was rough on our schedule, but we continued to trust in God. We prayed and ask God, "Now what?" We felt God lay on our hearts to "GO and FIND hurting and discouraged people (this is not hard to do) and minister hope and encouragement to them." It happened! It has truly been an exciting time of just being at the right place at the right time with God's chosen people. In the last couple months, we've been able to minister to pastors, retired pastors, former missionaries, chaplains and partners who are wintering in the warmer states. We have also spent numerous hours on the cell phone (we are very thankful for unlimited minutes) making dozens of calls to friends and partners who are facing difficult trials and situations. Many are facing financial crisis, broken relationships, and shattered hearts. We have sat and listened to their accounts of hurt and pain. We have then encouraged them in the faith that God would see them through. I think, more than anything, most just needed to know that someone cared enough to contact them, listen to them and pray with them.


Although this was not our original plan in starting 2011, we know that God had a revised alternate plan. It has been moving and certainly a walk of faith for us as well. For those we have met in person, it has been incredibly rewarding to see the look of hope in their eyes as God used us to give them an increased measure of faith to face their unknown tomorrows.


Can I give you a challenge? Will you take the time, even if you don't seemingly have the time, to make a call, send a card, letter or e-mail, or go visit someone that has touched your life spiritually? Thank them for investing in your life. As they have sown into your life, sow into theirs. You will make their day. You will encourage them that they are not forgotten, and you will be a living testimony to them because you have flourished as a direct result of them having planted a seed in your life. Do it today. You will bless them and you also will be blessed!





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