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By Gloria Lundstrom
Parents, are you waiting for your prodigal? Keep praying! Keep believing! Keep loving! Keep looking! He/She may be at the end of your lane ready to come home.
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A few weeks ago, we pulled into the farm of our friends and partners, Walter and Joan Clutter, of Clarion, Pennsylvania. This modest farm is nestled in several acres of timberland with a beautiful pond located on its premises. We were blessed to be able to park our motor home adjacent to the pond while we ministered in the area.

On the first day of our stay I commented on how peaceful and relaxing it is down by the pond. Walt piped up, "We had a beautiful mallard duck on the pond all winter. I even chopped a hole in the ice so he could have water and I made sure he had corn to eat every day, but just a couple of days ago, the duck disappeared. I don't know if he was eaten by an animal or what." I could tell that he and his wife were disappointed as they had grown attached to the mallard.

The following day, Walt was on a business call to his neighbor located on the next farm about a quarter of a mile away. His neighbor who also has a pond near his home commented, "We had a duck show up out of nowhere a couple of days ago, and he has made himself at home on our pond." Curious to know if this duck was the same suck that had inhabited his pond for a time, Walt sauntered over to his neighbor's pond, looked and realized it was indeed his mallard duck. Walt came back home and informed us, "The duck's alive. He is at the next farmer's pond." Filled with excitement at the discovery, I suggested, "Let's go get him and bring him back to your pond." Walt chuckled as he looked at this blonde, "Gloria, have you ever tried to catch a wild duck?" A bit deflated, I had to agree that it probably wasn't a very realistic idea.

The next day we were having lunch in the kitchen. About ten feet from the kitchen window, the Clutters have positioned several bird feeders. I was observing the many species of birds that were enjoying a free meal. Walt's son, Roger, was also standing by the window watching. I had just stepped away for a few seconds when Roger hollered, "He's back! He's alive!" I exclaimed, "Who? What?" He pointed out the window, "The duck. He's back." We rushed to the window and sure enough, there stood the brilliant mallard fervently pigging away at the bird seed that had spilled to the ground. He evidently was famished. I would guess he wasn't fed and cared for in the "foreign land" like he had been and decided he should wander his way back home.

You should have sensed the excitement caused by the return of the duck. Joan turned to me and smiled, "I'd been praying that he would be okay and find his way back home." In a manner of seconds, Walt scurried out of the farmhouse to the barn and got a bucket of corn. He went down to the pond and poured out the corn where he had previously. The duck, seeing his provider, Walt, quickly followed him to the corn feast. I watched this precious family rejoice over the return of the duck. When we gathered for dinner, I announced and chuckled, "Rejoice! For the prodigal duck has returned home!"

Even though this was a prodigal duck, there was rejoicing at its return home. How much more does God and we, as fathers and mothers, rejoice when our prodigals "come home". Luke tells us in chapter 16, the prodigal's father was watching every day for the return of his son to his house. When the son finally came home, the bible states that the father had compassion (it didn't say he chewed him out for his wrong decisions and wayward journey). He hugged him and kissed him. And then…he placed a robe on his shoulder, a ring on his finger, killed the fatted calf and they had a feast and family reunion.

Parents, are you waiting for your prodigal? Keep praying! Keep believing! Keep loving! Keep looking! He/She may be at the end of your lane ready to come home.


- Gloria 

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