Money may not be a regular topic of conversation in your home unless, of course, someone wants some! However, it is time to start talking to our kids about good money management if we want them to grow into educated, empowered and financial fit adults.
Children need to feel comfortable discussing spiritual issues. It's important for them to understand that your reason for sharing is because you love and care for them. The biggest mistake adults make is over-complicating the Gospel. Remember to think like children. Speak their language.
"You're my child and I love you. I want you to love me, but that's secondary to my job as your parent, which is to get you through these years without hurting yourself...
1)That God would place a protective hedge around our children so satan cannot enter and lead them into temptation.

2)That children would use godly wisdom in selecting their friends. Ask God to give discernment of people as well as knowing the difference between right and wrong.

3)That our children would stay pure. Psalm 24:4

4)That they will be caught if they wander into cheating, lies or mischief. Proverbs 20:30
BEFORE you become a mother you were human. We commonly talk about human "beings" but a more fitting way to say it might be that we are all human "becomings"! Maybe we should think in terms of "rules for being human" as well as rules for being a mother.


A Always trust them to God's care

B Bring them to church

C Challenge them to high goals

D Delight in their achievements

E Exalt the Lord in their presence

F Frown on Evil

G Give them love

The National Study of Youth and Religion did the most extensive study ever done on American young people and their religious faith. They interviewed the teenager by phone and then one of the parents. They called 3,300 young people and of those they selected 300 to do a face-to-face interview. The study by Christian Smith, 2005 Oxford University Press, found that the participants' relationship with Christ ranked far down the list of teenagers' priorities. Smith continues, "Kids see God as a 'divine butler' or a cosmic therapist-God exists to help them do what they want, make them happy, and solve their problems."
The baby is teething. The children are fighting.

Your husband just called and said,"Eat dinner without me."

One of these days you'll explode and shout to the kids,

"Why don't you grow up and act your age?"

And they will.

1) My hands are small; don't expect perfection whenever I make a bed, draw a picture or throw a ball. My legs are short; please slow down so I can keep up with you.

Claudia and David Arp have written over twenty-five books on parenting and marriage. In their new book, Answering the 8 Cries of the Spirited Child, they list eight demands that express the needs of a spirited child.

I thought this was a great way to teach our children how to pray!

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