First Love

By Gloria Lundstrom
February--Valentine's Day, lacy love-filled cards...

February-Valentine's Day, lacy love-filled cards, and boxes of candy all bring to surface memories of dating and mating.

There's nothing like that "first love!".  How well I recall my first crush on a neighborhood friend.  I'd guess I was in the 5th grade and he was in the 6th grade.  He smiled at me with his big brown eyes and literally took my breath away.  I turned to mush!  My heart began to beat faster.  I got butterflies in my stomach, and felt lightheaded and goofy!  I had never had feelings like this before and I just knew it had to be "love!"  I pampered and cherished those puppy-love feelings, hoping they would eventually blossom into real love someday. 

This boy and I attended the same church, Sunday school class, and youth group.  We were good friends in high school until one day a new girl moved to town.  Once his brown eyes met her big blue eyes, I was "history"-and that was the end of my "first love."  But memories still linger.

Since I was about eight years old, I prayed that God would lead me to my life's mate, and that our paths would cross.  As a child I was concerned, because the world was so big.  How and where would I ever find him?  I prayed for a tall, dark, handsome, brown-eyed guy, who played many instruments, sang and preached, who was a "city boy," rich, and would sweep me off my feet and take me away into marital fantasyland.

During high school I had several casual dating relationships.  I was very involved in church and was president of our church youth group.  After graduation I attended Bible College in Aberdeen, South Dakota, and during the summer I went home to help with our church's youth group.  It was about this time that I began to think seriously about the "dating game."  No longer was it a musical chairs dating gameā€¦it was now "for keeps, 'til death do us part."  My prayer was to find one man for life-and it had to be the right man!

One Sunday while in Sisseton during the summer, I invited Larry Lundstrom, a young man, to preach at a jail service.  He had grown up in my youth group and was my "rival."  He traveled with his brother and wife, Lowell and Connie Lundstrom, in an evangelistic ministry.  I might add that while growing up, he and I never really saw eye to eye.  It was more like a "tooth for a tooth" strained relationship. 

Anyway, that day he preached at the county jail, and three or four inmates gave their hearts to Christ.  As I stood behind him listening, God spoke, "Gloria, you've prayed and asked me to show you your life's mate.  It's Larry Lundstrom."  I was shocked, upset, confused, and intrigued all at the same time.  At first I said, "No, God, not a hometown, home church boy.  Not my 'rival.'"
God said, "This is the one."

Again first love, or should I say second love, engulfed me.  I melted.  I had been had!  We grew in love-not fell in love, because falling in love implies a stumbling affair.  Our love for God, our callings and ambitions drew us together.  When the relationship became serious, and we finally became engaged, Larry said, "I've seen so many marriages that are so blah because the love and fire have gone out, and I don't want that.  I want us to be happy and enjoy marriage."  I agreed. 

We talked for weeks and sought how we could keep that "first love" in our marriage.  We set some guidelines then, and 40 years later I can truly say every day of marriage gets better!  Here are a few keys that have kept our "first love" aflame:

  1. We pledged that the three of us would be one, with Christ the head of our marriage.
  2. We committed our marriage vows "till death do us part."  No matter how tough it got, we'd never give up or call it quits.  We'd make it work.
  3. We agreed that we always wanted to be each other's best friend, and to say the words, "I love you" every day.
  4. We decided to "keep dating" daily, and to call it a date and make it a special time of being alone and communicating.
  5. We agreed to be open and honest with our feelings without being hostile, and to be able to talk out our problems.
  6. We agreed to be mature enough to admit our faults and mistakes, say "I'm sorry, forgive me," and start over or try again.
  7. We agreed to give each other room to breathe and grow without smothering or intimidating the other person.
  8. We agreed to challenge and encourage each other to achieve, reach goals, and compliment each other on our successes.
  9. We agreed to always try to physically look and dress nice for each other.  We did it while dating to entice-why not in marriage?
  10. We agreed that our marriage and family would be a priority and to always be there and take time for each other.
  11. We agreed not to use charge cards or credit cards to buy with unless we were in a serious pinch, knowing we could get hooked.  So, if we don't have the money-rule number 1 is: don't buy!
  12. We agreed on surrounding ourselves with happily married couples; and positive and "up"-attitude business people and acquaintances, because they will affect our marriage and relationship.
  13. Last-but of utmost importance-we agreed to have daily Bible reading, prayer and devotions together.  This is the key to listening to God giving us answers, wisdom and strength, and courage to carry on when the going gets tough.

I won't say all of the above has been easy or has come easy, because it hasn't and doesn't!  We have been tested and tried on every side-but with God's help and our determination, our marriage works!  It's wonderful!  God has been faithful and I thank God for the most wonderful husband and for being my best friend for 40 years!

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