Moving Toward Your Financial Breakthrough

By Joyce Simmons
Do God's strategies for financial success really apply to us today? How can we wrap our natural thinking around God's process for obedient stewardship? Knowledge, determination and obedience can lead us down a financially free path.

When we establish a giving mindset and determine to believe God's Word next comes the discipline in determining to put Him first.
Moving Toward Your Financial Breakthrough


Do God's strategies for financial success really apply to us today? How can we wrap our natural thinking around God's process for obedient stewardship? Knowledge, determination and obedience can lead us down a financially free path.


When we establish a giving mindset and determine to believe God's Word next comes the discipline in determining to put Him first. It goes beyond our natural thinking.


Putting God First

Matthew 6:33 says, to Seek first the Kingdom of God- putting God first will put proper order into your family life.


Acknowledge this is not only about you


Our success and happiness is not all that is at stake when it comes to the area of finances. The people who share our daily lives will be affected by our attitudes and choices. Our financial decisions will either strengthen others or encourage them to follow in our path or bring insecurity, hopelessness and fear into their daily lives. God must come before our own wants.


Matthew 22:37,38 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart and with all they soul and with all thy mind. This is the first commandment.


 Determine your own motives


Look at your checkbook. Where do your priorities seem to be - shopping, clothes, food, infomercials? If you see where anything has been a greater priority than God, ask forgiveness and put your heart in order.

Understand God's bigger picture concerning others

The second commandment says in Matthew 22,39,40 - Love thy neighbor as thyself. We are God's hands, feet, mouthpieces and His heart we can make a daily difference by reflecting his mission for our lives.


Determine to begin to apply the truth


Application of the truth is what sets us free so; we must begin to practically apply! Determining to move into a debt free lifestyle by setting short and long term goals is a must along with a budget and promise to live within the budget.


Temptation is common to all man and through our journey towards financial freedom we will be tempted to jump out of the plan for just one time, just one purchase, just one thing. Martin Luther said, "In every temptation, simply close your eyes and follow the Word."


Educate yourself and your family


Too many of us are like the driver in this illustration. A State trooper pulls over a pickup truck on a rural Alabama interstate. He says to the driver, "Got any ID?" The driver slowly looks up at the trooper and replies, "Bout what?"


We must choose to wake up and not let ignorance get in our way by making the necessary changes in our lifestyle to accommodate this new way of living, Understand, any cut backs will lead to big payoffs! We must learn to take control over our money before it controls us!



If we know the application of the truth will set us free let's begin to apply the truth. God does not intend for us to be poor, to be so sick with worry that we cannot pay our bills or for us to live in lack. He has a biblical plan of abundance for our life.


Let's move into a breakthrough - the power of God working through us. Remember a breakthrough is a sudden burst of information that takes us past a line of previous resistance. A breakthrough comes only when we apply the truth of God's Word and make the effort to change our present condition. It's time to break through that invisible wall that keeps you from God's best.


Renew your mind daily


Everyday we must determine to renew our thinking by keeping our mind centered on His principles and promises. We commit to staying in the Word and filling our mind with His powerful principles of Biblical economics. Let's make up our mind to:

  • Keep our mind centered on God's ways not our ways
  • Make a plan and work the plan
  • Control debt
  • Become a giver
  • Save
  • Live within our means
  • Follow a budget
  • Take responsibility


-Joyce Simmons, Dynamic Family Ministries
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