God is a Debt-canceling God He has done it for others and He will do it for you! If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your life you are a child of God and you know that God has forgiven your debt of sin. However God was in the debt-canceling business long before that.
It is ordinary to God, and should be ordinary to us, to live and walk in success and freedom. If His Word is not ordinary to you or an accepted way of life you will walk in disobedience and then under a curse. Remember your belief about God will determine your behavior and also then your circumstances. To change your circumstance you must change your thinking! Your behavior will follow. Are you walking in blessing or under a curse?
Is it possible to live today within a budget in a single-income home? The answer is yes. For many couples who have opted to live on one income or for single parent families, smart money management becomes more crucial than ever. One way to do this is to start with understanding what you've got, then planning for what you need.
Marriage is a lot of hard work at the best of times and money is an issue that can tear a family apart. It is a volatile subject that must be approached and dealt with. Ignoring or refusing to deal with the issues of money can deal a deathblow to a relationship. Discuss, plan, and determine how finances will be handled before the emotion takes precedence over wisdom.
God's character is that of the ultimate giver it is His nature to give: "He that spared not His own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things." God didn't even hold back his own son who was perfect.
2 Peter 1:3 "According to His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness."
God is a giver- Jesus whole ministry was about giving. Giving must be sincere out of your love and devotion to GOD. A preacher stood to take the offering and said, Folks we need your offering today God loves a cheerful giver but I will take it no matter how you feel!
Money is neither good nor bad; it is simply a tool for exchange. How we manage or mismanage our money will be determined ultimately by what we think about God, others and ourselves. It is based on our belief system. Our mind directs how we think, feel and act and it is no surprise that Satan works overtime to help us set up a faulty belief system - a bed of lies on which we base our lives. We must work to establish a firm foundation of truth so that our attitudes, actions and choices are based on truth not lies.

Therefore, we must establish our values in these areas.
Powerful Weapon #2: ACTION
I have heard the definition of insanity is doing the same old things and expecting a different result! Armed with knowledge we must now make it take action. Action is the key to unlocking the power of knowledge. Inevitably people take in seminar after seminar, conference after conference, get all excited about the facts but return to their daily life and forget to take that knowledge and USE it. Otherwise, we join the crowd of those who hear but never do and become deceived. James 1:22 ... "Be ye DOERS of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." In fact knowing and never doing is sin - "to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17

David's weapons against the giant give us some personal insight and encouragement in how to handle the giant of debt. He took 5 smooth stones, which we see as 5 powerful weapons to use in destroying our giant. Interesting to note the stones were smooth and taken from the brook. The brook represents the Word of God and the condition of the stones refers to the fact over a long period of time the rough edges were worn away. The Word is truth that over time has been proven and powerful.

Let's get our minds set on where we are going financially!

Colossians 3:1-2 says, "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things."

A story is told of a wise old man out on the shores of the ocean with his young grandson. A breeze blew at their clothes as they watched the sailboats in the water. The young boy looked up at his grandpa and asked, "Why is it that the wind blows in one direction but the boats are all going different ways?"...

Our giving tells a lot about our character...

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